Thursday, August 29, 2024

Do the Mahi get the treats

Here I am hard at work decorating a photo frame for my family.

And the treats … playing pool at Te Puke bowling centre.


Thursday, August 22, 2024


Another successful bus trip to Bayfair , this time we avoided the rain and the actual stop which was under maintenance.

On Thursday we sold daffodils on behalf of the Cancer Society all around Te Puke


Thursday, August 15, 2024

Bayfair and Bowling!

 Posing for a photo after a visit to Bayfair on the bus.

 I really like going to Te Puke Bowling Club on a Thursday to have a drink and play some pool with my mates.


Thursday, August 8, 2024

Being an artist and an outing

Here I am, helping paint a backdrop for our concert, because irs in material, I can have a little bit on my tray instead if leaning over the table.

This will be a door, it needs a bit more colour.

Here I am on the bus, beautiful day here in the BOP.


Thursday, August 1, 2024

Partying and Pool.

Playing pool at Te Puke Bowling club, I actually nailed this, if I get the cue in the right place, I’m pretty good.

This is funny because last weekend we had a party at my house, now in google maps I discovered that when they took a photo of my house five years ago, we also had a party.